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Sined dealer registration

Area riservata alla Registrazione rivenditori Sined.

Compila il form per registrarti alla nostra area riservata e ricevere i listini dei nostri prodotti.Sined Reseller Registration Reserved Area.
Fill in the form to register for our reserved area and receive our product lists.

Welcome to SINED’s Reserved Area, specifically dedicated to the registration of resellers wishing to become part of our collaborative network.

If you are interested in entering into a partnership with a renowned brand and having access to our exclusive product lists, you are in the right place.

Why register?

Registering in the Reserved Area gives you the opportunity to:

Receive SINED’s product lists with exclusive prices and offers.

Establish a direct relationship with our support team to resolve any doubts or to obtain further information on products.

Be kept up-to-date on the latest news, promotions and events dedicated to our resellers.

Registration Form Details:

To ensure proper registration and guarantee maximum transparency in our collaborative relationship, we ask you to provide the following details:

Company Name: The official name of your company or business.

Billing Address: The full address where you wish to receive invoices.

Postcode: The postal code for the billing address.

City: The city where your business is located.

Country: Specify the country in which your business is located.

Billing Email: A valid email address where we will send invoices and any billing-related communications.

VAT Number: The VAT number associated with your company, which is essential for business transactions.

Once you have filled in and submitted the form, our team will review your information and, once verified that it is correct, will send you a registration confirmation together with the product lists.

Becoming a SINED reseller means joining a community of professionals who share the goal of providing high quality products.

Once your registration is complete, you will have access to all the resources and tools you need for a successful collaboration.

We thank you for your interest in SINED and look forward to starting this collaboration.

Should you have any questions or need assistance during the registration process, our team is at your disposal.
